This is How You Find Out if Your Shop has Communication Culture

Sept. 17, 2020

What's a good way to know if your shop has that open communication? Byron Sabol, an expert author and speaker, has one quick way to find out.

Sept. 17, 2020—Good communication is at the heart of so many good quick lube operations. For some business leaders, this comes naturally. Others work at it, and practice makes perfect.

What's a good way to know if your shop has that open communication? Byron Sabol, an expert author and speaker, has one quick way to find out.

“They need to know to the all important question: What do you employees say about you when you’re not around?” he says.

If you don't know this question, then Sabol says that your shop's lines of communication aren't as open as they could be. Everyone on the team should trust that their input is included, heard and encouraged.

When Trouble Hits...

Those established lines of communication come in really handy when a conflict arises. You'll get to the heart of the issue and on to a resolution much more quickly if employees know that they're able to voice their true feelings about the situation.

Sabol points out that this might not always be the role of the owner. Strong managers are often in a position to facilitate a resolution.

“Managers need to listen to understand each person’s concerns," he says. "They need to allow the employee ample opportunity to explain his or her views.”

In Sabol's view, owners and employees have a responsibility to promote an open and honest atmosphere. That way, everyone is working toward the same goal and are able to identify potential bumps in the road.

“We all work on the same team, and the work that we do affects everybody here,” he says.