Minn. Shops Stress Importance of Winterization

Nov. 15, 2022

Snow and cold weather has started moving into Minnesota for the season, and auto service providers want drivers to be prepared. 

Nov. 15, 2022—Auto service providers in Minnesota are encouraging drivers to winterize, according to CBS Minnesota. 

Snow has already fallen in much of the state, and cold temperatures are settling in for the season. Many service providers are getting the word out to drivers about preventative maintenance steps that can make the winter season a little bit more bearable, at least in terms of driving. 

Maintaining vehicle fluid levels, checking tire pressure and checking the effectiveness of wiper blades are just a few steps things that Minnesota drivers can do. Additionally, shops are relaying to customers that oil changes should be top-of-mind before the bitter cold temperatures really start to hit. 

Paul Kinney, owner and operator of Jeff's Auto Service in Hopkins, said that he has witnessed many Minnesota winter seasons as a shop owner. One thing that remains consistent for Kinney is the idea of approaching every car that comes into his shop as if it were his wife's vehicle. 

"Any car that comes in here, I look at it like 'If this was my wife's car, what would I want to do to make sure she doesn't have to worry about anything on the road?" he said to CBS Minnesota. "I love doing something and doing it well, and then having other people expressing their gratitude for doing a job well done so they don't have to worry about stuff. There's enough stuff to worry about right now."

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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