This Week in Leadership Tactics

April 22, 2021
This week's roundup addresses making the most of unscheduled time, cutting ties with customers, and creating your own leadership legacy.

April 22, 2021—To better assist shop owners with their leadership styles, National Oil and Lube News has compiled a short list of essential leadership material from some of its favorite sources. Here's a look at a few must-read articles from the past week.

5 Ways Great CEOs Stay Productive During Unscheduled Time — Inc. 

If you've carved out time away from your day-to-day operations, here's what you should do with it.

5 Reasons to Fire a Customer -- Plus 5 Steps to Take Before You Do — Entrepreneur

Most situations are resolvable, but it's important to know when to go your separate ways

What Good Leaders Do When Replacing Bad Leaders — Harvard Business Review  

Any leader who is assuming a role previously held by someone else has to face their predecessor’s legacy, but those who are replacing poor or controversial leaders have a special challenge.

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NOLN Staff Reporters

The NOLN staff reporters cover the quick maintenance industry every day, from top to bottom. For news inquiries, please contact [email protected].