Louisiana Lawmaker Determined to Eliminate Vehicle Safety Inspections

May 20, 2024
In defense of the move, lawmakers criticized the profits businesses may be making from inspections.

A Louisiana lawmaker is pushing hard to axe the state’s required vehicle safety inspections, reports the Shreveport Times.

Though Rep. Larry Bagley’s House Bill 344 did pass the House Transportation Committee in March, it was referred to the House Appropriations Committee after it was found that eliminating inspection stickers would cost the state $14 million in revenue each year, postponing it to the next legislative session.

But Bagley has devised another way to pursue his plan, through a bill proposing a constitutional convention to be held this summer. Though it has passed the House, it will need approval from the Senate to move forward.

“If we have a convention I'm going to try to get it in the state Constitution,” Bagley said. “If not, I'm going to come back with it next year. I'm a hard-headed lawmaker.”

Bagley has argued that the safety inspections provide little if any improvements to safety, and that they’re more of an inconvenience and cost burden for Louisiana drivers than anything. 

Rep. Rodney Schamerhorn joined Bagley in criticizing the profits businesses may be making from performing inspections.

"I hate to say this, but they just see how fast they can scratch one off and put a new one on," remarked Schamerhorn.

These accusations were opposed by an advocate of the businesses present at the testimony, who countered that they enforce accountability. Others including Rep. Travis Johnson also cited concerns with impacts to safety.

“This concerns me,” said Johnson. “When someone is driving (an unsafe vehicle) it puts others at risk.”

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