Mississippi Lube Technician Makes Mobile Oil Change Concept a Reality

June 18, 2024
Marcus Robinson noticed how inconvenient it was for customers to bring their vehicle to a service department, which led him to launching M&K Mobile Oil.

When a lube technician in Vicksburg, Mississippi had an idea for a new way to do oil changes more conveniently, he took it as an opportunity to establish his own innovative business, reports Vicksburg Daily News.

Marcus Robinson has worked in automotive maintenance from the moment he graduated from high school. He spent 10 years changing oil at a Walmart auto care center before going on to work at various dealerships, where he worked his way up to a management position and oversaw the oil change department.

“I was sitting around thinking how everything is about convenience; everybody wants convenience,” explained Robinson. “I just started thinking, I never heard of a mobile oil change. Everybody always says, ‘How long’s it gonna be; I’m on my lunch break. I don’t have the time.’”

Upon sharing the concept with his wife and being met with enthusiastic support, Robinson pursued it, and a year ago established M&K Mobile Oil. He began collecting all the equipment he would need, such as oil change stickers and multipoint sheets with his name, brake fluid, coolant, and new tools.

Robinson was unsure he was ready, feeling he needed to continue to stock up before performing his first job, until a call one day pushed him into action. Someone who heard about his business plan reached out, asking if he could come by and change their oil. 

Seeing his chance, Robinson hopped on it, heading straight over to get the job done. While there, when a passerby learned what he was doing, she also requested his services. After that, word spread quickly about his business, with him doing 50 calls in his first month from word of mouth alone. 

Adopting the slogan “Why wait in line? I come to you,” Robinson now answers calls spanning from Alcorn, Port Gibson, Jackson, and Tallulah, every day–not even stopping for the rain.

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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