This Week in Leadership Tactics

Oct. 22, 2021
Was the great resignation inevitable? This week's roundup discusses that along with how to identify when employees are going to quit and why you can't fight reality.

Oct. 22, 2021—To better assist shop owners with their leadership styles, National Oil and Lube News has compiled a short list of essential leadership material from some of its favorite sources. Here's a look at a few must-read articles from the past week.

Was the Great Resignation Inevitable? Inc. 

Understanding how we got here requires us to look at our companies from the perspectives of our employees. Only then will we know how to move forward.

7 Signs Your Employees are About to QuitEntrepreneur

Many employers are thrown into a tailspin, but it isn't inevitable.

Good Leaders Know You Can’t Fight RealityHarvard Business Review

You can't effectively deal with a problem until you accept what you've been handed.

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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