This Week's Top Advanced Vehicle Design News

Jan. 6, 2021

To begin the new year, ADAPT looks at some of the fundamental shifts happening in the automotive aftermarket.

Jan. 6, 2021—To begin the new year, ADAPT looks at some of the fundamental shifts happening in the automotive aftermarket.

Is Data the New Oil?

Knowing how to collect and use data is going to be a major part of the modern economy. This is how companies are taking advantage.

The Strategic Side of ADAS

From knowing when to invest to reaching the right market, this webinar from ADAPT sibling Ratchet+Wrench includes strong strategic advice from an operator who has been through it.

Building an Intelligent Manufacturing Platform

Automation is on the rise, and with it comes artificial intelligence. But there are many building blocks that must be scaled in order to have a fully-functional, intelligent manufacturing plant.