Right to Repair Bill Makes Ballot in Mass.

July 16, 2020

Vehicle manufacturers were shut down after submitting a legal challenge to the Massachusetts Right to Repair bill.

July 16, 2020—The Secretary of State has officially declared the right to repair question will appear on the Massachusetts ballot after vehicle manufacturers withdrew a legal challenge against it, according to an Auto Care Association press release.

According to the release, vehicle manufacturers submitted a legal challenge to the Massachusetts Ballot Commission on July 8, arguing that the Right to Repair Committee disobeyed signature-gathering requirements outlined by the Massachusetts Supreme Court by storing the signatures in a separate file and tracking personal data without notification.

However, after a candidate for Congress, Helen Brady, had her legal challenge approved after using the same signature-gathering vendor, vehicle manufacturers withdrew their challenge.

The Massachusetts Right to Repair Committee turned in 24,000 signatures on July 1 to the Secretary of State regarding the ballot question. The submission is more than the 13,374 signatures that are required by law to have a question placed on the ballot. While these signatures are usually collected manually, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Right to Repair Committee to seek a consent from the Massachusetts Supreme Court to permit the collection of signatures electronically.