Around the Industry: Sears Auto Center Turns to Social Media to Find America's Most Pothole-Plagued City
According to Sears Auto Center, more than 60 percent of cars tested at their service centers are in need of alignment. They took to social media, coining the hashtag #PotholeProbs, in an effort to draw attention to potentially hazardous driving areas. Between February 15, 2015 and March 2, 2015, people were encouraged to take pictures of potholes in their town and share them via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Entries had to include the city name and the #PotholeProbs hashtag. At the end of the campaign, the city with the most submissions won an exclusive deal on alignment services performed at Sears Auto Centers.
“This program not only is a fun way to bring to light an often frustrating problem, but it also is helping cities nationwide identify potholes so drivers can avoid these problem areas and avoid damage to their vehicles, all while improving fuel efficiency and saving money,” said Norman Miller, president of Sears Automotive.
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