If I had a nickel for each time a shop owner talked to me about the challenges of hiring over the past couple years, this might become a side gig for me.
It’s not that hiring was ever easy. But it seems like the lack of qualified candidates, mixed with greater retention challenges, has been the common refrain of business operations during COVID-19 and beyond.
You asked; NOLN answers. This month, you’ll find The New Hiring Handbook. The advice therein is a mixture of a couple things. First, get back to the fundamentals. Bob Cooper from Elite Worldwide was a great resource for this, but he has a way of taking those basic strategies a step further and making them current and applicable to the current situation. I think he had great advice for this piece. Second, you’ll hear from Jason Nastasi, a Florida shop operator who started during the pandemic, hired and grew his staff, and then went into expansion mode. Nastasi really represents what an energetic, engaged operator can do for recruitment and retention when they work on building quality organizations.
For many operators, it may feel like they’re always in some state of transition, whether it’s with staffing, car counts, service changes, or other tasks. In this month’s profile, we take a close look at one of the biggest transitions: selling your business. The Bochnowskis were kind enough to offer insight into the sale of a strong quick lube network to Oil Changers, and how they are able to continue building on the strong foundation.
Thanks for reading!