Ford, Honda Pause Facebook Advertising

June 30, 2020

The company joined many others in pausing advertising on all of its social media platforms for the next 30 days in support of a campaign that called out the company for not doing enough to stop hate speech on its platform.

June 30, 2020—Ford Motor Co. and Honda Motor Co. have joined a growing list of companies in pausing all of its advertising on its social media platforms, reports Reuters.

According to the report, the companies will halt advertising on social media for 30 days in support of a campaign that called out Facebook for not doing enough to stop hate speech on its platform.

Ford said it would re-evaluate its presence on social media platforms, according to the report, adding that hate speech, violence, and racial injustice in content on social media "needs to be eradicated."

According to a report from Bloomberg, Ford and Honda join a list of 25 other companies in the Facebook boycott, including Starbucks, Chipotle, PepsiCo, and many others.

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River Underwood Photography
Photo 159601790 © Andrii Yalanskyi |
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