This Week in Leadership Tactics

Jan. 28, 2021

The best leadership lessons are often lurking in unlikely places. Take this week's roundup for example with advice about workplace criticism and life lessons from Oprah Winfrey. 

Jan. 28, 2021—To better assist shop owners with their leadership styles, NOLN has compiled a short list of essential leadership material from some of its favorite sources. Here's a look at a few must-read articles from the past week.

What To Do When A Top Job Candidate Has Another OfferInc. 

This article answers five reader-submitted questions to better navigate the workplace.

 5 Inspiring Lessons From the Life of Oprah Winfrey — Entrepreneur

Winfrey is a best-selling author, television host, and worth billions; there are worse people to learn from. 

Giving Critical Feedback Is Even Harder Remotely — Harvard Business Review  

Even the tough lessons must be learned. Here are some tips on how to provide constructive criticism during isolation.