This Week in Leadership Tactics

May 6, 2021

This week's roundup is all about how leaders set themselves apart — good and bad. Are you leading the right way?

May 6, 2021—To better assist shop owners with their leadership styles, National Oil and Lube News has compiled a short list of essential leadership material from some of its favorite sources. Here's a look at a few must-read articles from the past week.

In 2 Words, Bill Gates Shared What Separates Successful Leaders From the Pack — Inc. 

In a pandemic, great leaders do much more than just manage people.

Entrepreneurs Without This Trait Have a Much Lower Chance of Success — Entrepreneur

Effective business leaders must work hard and hone strategy, but there's something else that sets the most successful apart from the rest.

How Leaders Get in the Way of Organizational Change — Harvard Business Review  

Three mistakes leaders make that hurt their business. 

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NOLN Staff Reporters

The NOLN staff reporters cover the quick maintenance industry every day, from top to bottom. For news inquiries, please contact [email protected].