Jan. 17, 2020—Three news outlets reported that Take 5 Oil Change shops are coming to their respective locales.
A story in The Augusta Chronicle in Georgia said that one such store is headed for the corner of Washington and Furys Ferry Roads, which was previously home to a bank building.
The process is in its early stages, as the local planning commission had just approved a rezone request from the franchisee.
The second report comes from The Spartanburg Herald-Journal of South Carolina. According to the story, a franchisee who's already operating in Spartanburg, Greenvile and Mauldin, S.C., will soon open a location in Boiling Springs. This particular franchisee, according to the story, is none other than Lee Johnson, the grandson of Take 5 founder Monty Montgomery.
Johnson told the paper that he worked for his grandfather as a kid and came up learning the Take 5 system. His new shop is planned to go up at Highway 9 and Old Furnace Road.
Finally, The Sumter Item, also of South Carolina, reports that a new Take 5 shop will start construction soon at 1142 Broad St. in Sumter.
This franchisee, Grant Gilbert, is based in the Charlotte area.