Nov. 22, 2019—Alloy, a demand platform for consumer goods brands, announced Valvoline is implementing it’s enterprise supply chain solution.
The announcement comes after Alloy proved to Valvoline that its platform can replace legacy tools, according to a press release. Alloy says it will enable Valvoline to strengthen retail partnerships through:
- Connecting daily consumer demand with Valvoline’s supply chain network data
- Accurately identifying phantom inventory to prevent ongoing lost sales
- Enhancing market-level analysis and best practice sharing across account teams
“Valvoline’s supply chain strategy is to become more and more forward-looking, proactively aligning inventory to future demand, instead of simply reactive to customer orders,” said Craig Moughler, Chief Supply Chain Officer at Valvoline. “Alloy will be a cornerstone of that strategy because it can project where problems are most likely to occur in the future, at a granular level. Too much of the current reporting washes out the details and hides problems.”