More than doubling the company’s Central Valley footprint
Oil Changers is pleased to announce the acquisition of 3 Royal Car Care locations in Hanford and Lemoore, California.
First opened in 1985, Rick and Rita Rocha built Royal Car Care to be a successful business that created sustained jobs and provided an important service to the community.
The Oil Changers unique merger strategy welcomes the Royal family, providing existing team members new opportunities to grow alongside 275 employees in California. “We feel lucky to have so many great people from Royal join the Oil Changers team. The Rocha’s and the entire Royal team are like family, and we feel blessed to have the opportunity to embrace their culture and be part of their success” said Eric Frankenberger, President of Oil Changers.
About Oil Changers Pleasanton California based Oil Changers is an active member of the American Oil Change Association (AOCA) and has been very supportive and involved since its conception. With 37 locations the Oil Changers Team is excited to continue its expansion both in and outside California.Mergers and Acquisitions contact: [email protected] For more information about Oil Changers call 1-800-640-2405 or visit