A Virginia woman had no clue a kitten was stuck in the fender well of her minivan when she started the engine and went on a 45-mile trip.
“I had no idea she was there until going out to leave for lunch,” the driver, Eunika Brown, explained on Facebook after a tire shop manager freed the kitten and another worker at the shop immediately adopted her.
“Miraculously this cat survived with no injuries,” Petersburg (Va.) Animal Care and Control posted on Facebook with photos of the rescue on Thursday.
When the woman called for help, Animal Care and Control Chief Warden Debbie Broughton and Warren Strum of Leete Tire and Auto “came to the rescue!!!!” Petersburg Animal Care and Control posted.
Tire shop worker Chuck Williams “adopted it on the spot and is taking it to the vet,” Animal Care and Control said on Facebook. “He is a long time cat lover, they bonded instantly!“
Animal Care and Control ended its post with the hashtag “#APurrfectEnding.”
Brown had driven from Capron, Va., to Petersburg, where the rescue ensued.
Strum, Leete Tire & Auto’s service manager, “quickly extracted” the “scared but unharmed kitten,” Leete Tire & Auto posted on Facebook with a video of the rescue.
The kitten was stuck as the minivan driver traveled 45 miles from Capron, Va., to Petersburg, Va., before the driver realized the kitten was there and then called for help.
“Never a dull day at Leete Tire & Auto!!!” the auto center posted.
In her thank-you post to Leete Tire, Brown said of the kitten: “I’m grateful that she didn’t get hurt, and also happy that she was able to find a good home...You guys are awesome!”
To which the auto center replied:
“Kudos to you ma’am for acting quickly and calling the authorities before this sweet little girl was injured and thank you for trusting us with your vehicle too!”
This story, by Joe Marusak, first appeared on charlotteobserver.com