LaGrange Police Give Coupons, Not Tickets for Some Violations

June 25, 2018
No more tickets for drivers caught with broken equipment on their cars or trucks in one Georgia city. That's because the LaGrange Police Department is taking a different approach. Instead of giving first-time violators a fine for defective equipment, officers will give them a coupon with a way to fix their problem. The city's police chief saw another department's success when its officers passed out similar coupons -- so he decided to try it in LaGrange. Police said the program will be in place for at least two years. This story first appeared on

No more tickets for drivers caught with broken equipment on their cars or trucks in one Georgia city.

That's because the LaGrange Police Department is taking a different approach.

Instead of giving first-time violators a fine for defective equipment, officers will give them a coupon with a way to fix their problem.

The city's police chief saw another department's success when its officers passed out similar coupons -- so he decided to try it in LaGrange.

Police said the program will be in place for at least two years.

This story first appeared on