A study of 2,000 American car owners found as many as a quarter feels they take a risk each time they hit the road as their vehicle is currently in need of repair or no longer runs well.
The new survey, conducted by Cooper Tires, discovered that nearly half of American car owners aren’t confident they’d be able to change their car’s oil and almost 30 percent aren’t confident they could even pick out the correct oil their car needs in the first place.
One in four Americans also aren’t confident they could jump-start a car should the situation arise.
Even using an air pressure gauge on a tire to check tire pressure can prove to be too advanced a task for nearly one in five Americans.
Looking under the hood to examine a weird noise emitting from their engine isn’t going to help the 41 percent of Americans who are unable to actually identify a car’s engine when presented with an image.
But looking under the hood after hearing a weird noise is still a more popular action than taking it to a mechanic.
In fact, over half (54 percent) of Americans feel intimidated when dealing with a car mechanic.
Four in 10 Americans will avoid taking their car to the mechanic because they’re afraid their wallet won’t be able to handle all the work their car needs.
And only 19 percent of Americans feel very confident they’re paying a fair price when they take their car to one.
Read the full story, by Tyler Schmall, on nypost.com