Last week a scary incident happened outside the Take 5 Oil Change on E. Main Street in Spartanburg, South Carolina. A gentleman driving on Main Street experienced a seizure in which he drove off the road and collided with one of the Take 5 employee’s truck. As the vehicle was stopped the throttle was pinned, causing the tires to spin.
Within 30 seconds, store manager Daniel Hutchins and the rest of the Take 5 team on duty grabbed tools and ran out to the wrecked vehicle. Getting to the vehicle they noticed the doors were locked, the man was unconscious and there was a child in the car. Without hesitation, they broke the windows, turned the vehicle off and were able to get the child out of the car safely.
Store owner Lee Johnson couldn’t have been more proud of his crew.
“They did what they had to do, regardless of the oncoming traffic and spinning tires, to prevent a real catastrophe should the vehicle have come dislodged and slammed into the shop full speed,” he said.
Johnson wasn’t the only one who was impressed by the crew’s fearless and quick actions. A customer sent in an email saying, “While having our oil changed today a wreck occurred in front of the store and into the store parking lot. ALL of your men rushed to the smoking car. They were calm, brave and effective. I couldn’t be more impressed with them. I will always have my oil changed here. Congratulations on having such outstanding employees.”
Members of the Take 5 Oil Change Crew who assisted are: Daniel Hutchins (Manager) Tyler Hood (Assistant Manager) Chuck Glen (Senior Tech) Shane Dillard Rob Fowler Patrick Toney Hunter Brown