Today, Thanksgiving, is all about stepping back away from all the hassle and realize what in your life means the most to you and what you are truly thankful for. Being thankful is something that we all show a little differently but the feelings of love, companionship and gratitude are the same.
We at National Oil & Lube News, have so much to be thankful for. Our upcoming 30 year milestone is one but we wouldn't have been able to reach without loyal readers, vendors and industry experts alike. You've helped us keep the fast lube industry informed. In fact, if you're reading this, you're still part of our journey, thank you. We're thankful for year 30 (and hopefully, 30 more).
Earlier in the week, we decided to do some strenuous training for the big day today. So, naturally, we had our own NOLN Thanksgiving lunch. Everyone on the team brought a dish and we ate, and ate, and ate.
See here's proof:
All that food was so good and we're not sure how we made it through the rest of the work day without some serious food comas but it wouldn't be a true Thanksgiving if we didn't share what we're thankful for. Here's what some of our employees are thankful for — other than working with some of the best people on the planet, obviously:
“I’m thankful for the opportunity to work part-time so I can spend time with, and look after, my grandfather.” — Tiffany Winters
“This year I'm thankful for having such a strong, loving family. We've made it through some very rough times together, leaning on each other for strength to endure hardship and loss. I'm blessed to have such a great support system of family and friends.” — Carrie Przeslak
“I’m thankful for my morning devotional paired with a cup of joe; both get me through the day. In fact, I'm savoring my cup of coffee right now while I write what I was thankful for.” — Geri Jones
“I’m thankful for my family and friends.” — Eric Cisneros
“New beginnings! That saying about God closing one door so He can open another rings so true in my life! Thanks to the wonderful group of people known as family and extended family that have been with me through good and bad times. I’m on a new path at this point. It wasn’t my decision to close that door but it’s a decision that I’ve been able to embrace with their love and support.” — Nikki Held
“I’m thankful for being able to spend time with my friends and family as much as possible. They make every all-nighter study session worth it. I’m here to make all of them proud and I’m thankful that they support me on whatever path life takes me on.” — Hunter Howard
"Family — and friends that might as well be family — top my list of things I'm thankful for. I'm thankful that I serve a gracious and loving God who always provides for my family and I and who has my best interest at heart even when I think I know what's best for my life. I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store!" — Lauren Henderson