Around the Industry: Car Care Council Encourages Drivers to Invest Money Saved at the Pump in Their Vehicles

April 1, 2015
Lower fuel prices have recently left more money in the pockets of consumers. According to the non-profit Car Care Council, if consumers invest their savings back into preventative maintenance services, they could save even more long-term.“Gas prices are lower than they have been for nearly six years, meaning big savings for motorists,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “Add to that a proactive auto care plan and you will not only save more now, but as gas prices start to rise again, you’ll save later. All because you invested in your vehicle to make sure it runs

Lower fuel prices have recently left more money in the pockets of consumers. According to the non-profit Car Care Council, if consumers invest their savings back into preventative maintenance services, they could save even more long-term.

“Gas prices are lower than they have been for nearly six years, meaning big savings for motorists,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “Add to that a proactive auto care plan and you will not only save more now, but as gas prices start to rise again, you’ll save later. All because you invested in your vehicle to make sure it runs efficiently.”

The Car Care Council suggested drivers follow these simple steps to improve fuel economy and save money:

·       Engine Performance: Keeping a well-maintained engine improves gas mileage by an average of 4 percent.

·       Tire Pressure: Properly inflated tires increase gas mileage by up to 3.3 percent.

·       Motor Oil: Using the correct motor oil grade improves fuel economy by 1 to 2 percent.

·       Air Filters: Making sure the vehicle’s air filter is clean and unclogged will improve its performance and acceleration.

·       Gas Cap: If the gas cap is damaged or loose, replace it. Loose or missing gas caps allow fuel to vaporize into the air.

·       Fix It: Don’t let serious maintenance problems continue. They can cause a decrease in gas mileage by as much as 40 percent.

To help your customers get more mileage for their money, the Car Care Council offers valuable tools on their website: