Paul Hodowanic

Paul Hodowanic is a staff writer at 10 Missions Media, where he covers Ratchet+Wrench and National Oil and Lube News.
Running a Shop

Get Started with Tire Sales

Dec. 2, 2022
Curious about how tire shops get started or transition into service and sales? Here's your inside look.
Running a Shop

Mastering the Customer Gift

Oct. 24, 2022
A well-executed gift can be the difference between a repeat customer and a one-time job.
Running a Shop

Are DVIs Failproof?

Sept. 27, 2022
DVIs aren’t a cure-all solution. Culture and process still matter.
Human Resources

Hiring from Outside the Industry

Aug. 8, 2022
Getting the right skill set doesn’t always mean finding the right experience in recruits.