A Letter to the Industry from AOCA Board President Bill Floyd

May 1, 2020

"It is our goal to equip our industry as best we can as we move through these uncertain times," writes AOCA Board President Bill Floyd in a letter to operators during COVID-19.

Greetings colleagues and friends:

As you are well aware, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been a shock to the system that has challenged life as we know it. Above all else, I hope you and your families have remained safe and healthy throughout these challenging times.

I want to remind you that our community includes some of the smartest and adaptive business people I know. With the support of one another, we will get through this. The Automotive Oil Change Association (AOCA) has been working day and night to provide the most beneficial resources for our members. We continue to work with our Government Affairs Committee and HR Partner to ensure members receive accurate and timely information.

We have created a webpage that is dedicated to any information that can help small businesses navigate through potential financial hardship, explaining any new acts or laws being put through Congress and how to stay safe while servicing your clients. Members can view AOCA’s resource page at www.AOCA.org/COVID. We have also become dependent on AOCA Talk to stay in touch with each other during these uncertain times. Our members are reaching out to see how others are handling social distancing along with many other topics. If there is anything, we can do to help answer any of the questions you might have or challenges you are facing please do not hesitate to reach out. I would also encourage you to utilize AOCA Talk as a place to communicate with one another during this time. Members can access the forum by logging-in to their online accounts and visiting www.AOCA.org/Forums.

Additionally, AOCA has hosted AOCA Talk Live sessions, free to members and non-members, with a panel of varying backgrounds to answer any questions that those in our industry may have. Our first session had over 100 attendees! We are going to continue to host AOCA Talk Live sessions as often as necessary.

It is our goal to equip our industry as best we can as we move through these uncertain times. You’ve heard it a million times, but we are in this together. This is why AOCA exists, because as an industry, we are stronger when we come together.