Stellantis Ordered to Pay $30M in Corruption Case

Aug. 23, 2021

The U.S. operating arm of Stellantis, formerly known as Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, was ordered to pay $30 million for its role in a corruption scandal geared toward the UAW.

August 23, 2021—The U.S. operating arm of Stellantis, formerly known as Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, was ordered to pay $30 million for its role in a corruption scandal geared toward the UAW.

According to a report from the Detroit Free Press, FCA US was ordered to pay the fine and submit to a compliance monitor for three years for its involvement in a years-long scandal that prosecutors say saw the company send millions of dollars and other gifts to UAW officials in "an attempt to warp the labor-management relationship."

"The criminal conduct by FCA and its executives has significantly undermined the confidence and trust that the men and women working in the plants and on the assembly lines hold in their leaders," Assistant U.S. Attorney Erin Shaw said. "These crimes have also undermined the workers' trust in the integrity of the collective bargaining process.”

An independent monitor has been assigned to oversee an upcoming referendum election for the UAW that will decide how union members will elect top leaders in the future and investigate possible corruption. 

Image: Stellantis

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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