BOLT ON Hires 2 New Executives

June 25, 2021
Bolt On Technology, an automotive aftermarket technology solutions supplier, announced Wednesday two new hires to its executive team.

June 25, 2021—BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY, an automotive aftermarket technology solutions supplier, announced Wednesday two new hires to its executive team.

In a news release, the company announced Thomas Ripple had been hired as sales director, and current employee David Weston was promoted to marketing director.

Both moves come amid a "strategic reorganization" of the brand, as executives work to more clearly define management roles and empower "key people to execute corporate strategy." Ripple will be tasked with conveying the company's "value proposition to auto repair operations across a variety of aftermarket subcategories," while Weston will head the company's advertising and creative efforts.

“By adapting to what we’re hearing from the marketplace, and by creating more synergy between the sales and marketing departments, we can build greater cohesiveness that puts the customer at the center and is better positioned to educate the industry on how our offerings can improve their bottom line,” Chief Revenue Officer Tim Cifelli said.

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