Colorado Drivers Who Fail Emissions Tests Could be Given Vouchers for Repairs

Feb. 6, 2024
The bill would provide a $850 voucher for residents whose vehicles fail to pass an emissions inspection, redeemable by any qualified auto service facility.

Drivers in certain areas of Colorado may soon be given vouchers to repair vehicles that fail to meet emissions standards, the Denver Post reports.

Colorado’s Front Region, consisting of nine counties, is currently in violation of federal air quality standards and has been considered to be in severe non-attainment by the Environmental Protection Agency since 2022.

SB24-095 is a proposed bill that, if passed, would provide a $850 voucher for residents whose vehicles fail to pass an emissions inspection and who are eligible for an economic hardship waiver. The vouchers may be redeemed by any qualified auto service facility.

The program would be dissolved once the state meets the EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards, but it’s estimated that it will be years before it can reach the threshold again. It would be of great assistance to lower-income families, who often drive older vehicles that emit more pollution.

“If we can help people get their vehicles fixed and knock that down, it would help the metro area,” she said. “Our issues in the metro area are tied to light-duty vehicles–cars and trucks.”

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