ACA Opposes Idaho Bill Limiting Use of Aftermarket Parts

Feb. 6, 2024
ACA fears that the bill would result in insurers being accused of unfair claim settlement practice for specifying the use of non-OEM aftermarket crash parts.

The Auto Care Association voiced opposition to a bill in Idaho that aims to limit the use of aftermarket parts, according to a press release.

The bill, SB 1233, is a proposed amendment to Section 41-1328B of the Idaho Code. It was introduced in late January but has already moved quickly through the Idaho State Senate.

According to ACA, the bill would classify headlamps, fenders, hoods, tail lamps, and bumper parts as aftermarket crash parts; add warnings to written disclosure statements telling consumers that non-OEM crash parts could affect vehicle safety and function; and suggest that consumers inquire with a qualified industry expert or repair shop before using non-OEM crash parts.

ACA fears that, if implemented, the bill would result in insurers being accused of unfair claim settlement practice for specifying the use of non-OEM aftermarket crash parts, or repair shops getting in trouble for the use of non-OEM aftermarket crash parts if the customer has not received a written recommendation to do so.

The Idaho State Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee heard testimonies from those supporting and opposing the bill, including ACA members. The session ended with a decision to hold the bill in committee, where it will be unable to move forward.

“In Idaho specifically, our industry provides over 12,492 jobs, generates $1.6 billion in economic activity, and provides $679 million in wages,” argued Tod Moore, manager of grassroots and advocacy for ACA. “SB 1233 would have immediate, detrimental effects on this otherwise vibrant aftermarket ecosystem, not to mention the negative effect it will have on consumers.”

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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