Shop Owner Offers Free Vehicle Inspections in Exchange for Food Drive Donations

Feb. 14, 2024
Kyle Morin had wanted to do something charitable since launching his business 17 years ago but didn’t have the resources to do so–until he had the idea for a food drive.

One shop owner’s determination to give back to his community has resulted in providing food donations for over a decade, FOX43 reports.

Kyle Morin, owner of K&J Automotive in Hanover, Pennsylvania, had wanted to do something charitable since launching his business 17 years ago, but didn’t have the resources to do so–until 2011, when he had the idea to partner with the Hanover Area Council of Churches to offer free state vehicle inspections in exchange for five to ten canned food items. 

Morin only planned to run the campaign for a month or two, but as more people heard about the initiative and its popularity grew, Morin couldn’t see shutting it down. Now, the shop does around 30 inspections a week, with 10 of them going toward the canned food drive. Every week or so, the two containers storing the canned goods are filled up, taken to be donated, and the process repeats.

The shop has given away over 4,800 free inspections, but Morin sees no end in sight, with he and the community both still satisfied with the food drive. To commend him for the work he’s done, Morin’s coworker and niece, Megan Myers, has nominated him for the Jefferson Award.

“It's pretty fun!” said Morin of the food drive. “You meet a lot of awesome people and when they appreciate what you do, you're just like, it's mind-boggling.”

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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