Preventative Automotive Maintenance Association Releases iFLEX Agenda

May 9, 2024
PAMA has released its sessions slated for the upcoming iFLEX 2024 event, running in conjunction with the Car Wash Show in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Preventative Automotive Maintenance Association (PAMA) has released its sessions slated for the upcoming iFLEX 2024 event, running in conjunction with the Car Wash Show in Nashville, Tennessee.

On May 13, PAMA will kick off its activities that morning with an annual membership meeting. Attendees will be served a breakfast alongside PAMA Board of Directors and staff.

The first informational session of the day is titled “Navigating Uncertainty: What Does the 2024 Economic Crystal Ball Hold,” led by Keith Prather of Armada Corporate Intelligence. Prather will examine how factors such as the upcoming presidential election could impact the economy, and how that may affect consumers’ spending on maintenance as well as labor costs.

Amber Kossak of Solid Start and Eric Frankenberger Oil Changers will then host “Fueling Success: Comprehensive Training, Motivation, and Engagement Strategies for Oil Change Managers” that afternoon for a discussion on strategies for oil change management, including motivating team members and workflow management techniques.

The following morning will begin with “PAMA Talk Live: Hot Topics that Impact Your Business.” This panel is made up of several industry leaders, including Justin Cialella of Victory Lane, Tom Staker of Grease Monkey, Jacobe Krizman of Premier Oil Change, and Kevin Treder of Oil Changers, with Mark Bochnowski of Oil Changers acting as moderator.

After that, the first of Tuesday’s three informational sessions will focus on how to incorporate hybrid service into your business. Titled “Maximizing Revenue by Focusing on Hybrid Vehicle Maintenance Needs,” it will be led by Michael Warholic of Valvoline.

This will be followed by another session focused around servicing EVs–specifically, scheduling strategies for the different maintenance needs of fully-electric vehicles. Matt Webb of Premier Oil Change will lead the session, titled “EV Maintenance Scheduling.”

PAMA’s final session of iFLEX will be “Under the Hood: Navigating Auto Oil Characteristics for Peak Performance.” Warholic of Valvoline returns to delve into the importance of automotive oil, looking at viscosity, additives, synthetic versus conventional oils, and how to choose the right oil for different engines.

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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