Arizona Meineke Donates Tires to Struggling Teacher

June 7, 2024
When the owner of a Meineke Car Care Center in Mesa, Arizona, heard of a teacher in his town who lost her home to a fire, he knew he had to do what he could to help.

When the owner of a Meineke Car Care Center in Mesa, Arizona, heard of a teacher in his town who lost her home to a fire, he knew he had to do what he could to help, reports 12 News.

Michelle Garcia is a special education teacher who lost her home to a fire a few years ago. While she’s managed to get back on her feet, she is still struggling as a single mother to three kids. In the summer months, when school is out, Garcia doesn’t receive a paycheck, making it an especially difficult time for her.

“I just have to hang on to every penny and try to distribute it as best I can to make sure that, especially the electric bill going up during the summer, and for the last couple years my rent just keeps going up higher and higher,” told Garcia.

Garcia has been visiting her local food pantry to provide healthy meals for her family, where volunteers soon learned of her need for vehicle maintenance. Though her car was still functional, it was past due for a new set of tires–something Garcia didn’t have in her budget. 

That’s when “Meineke” Mike Jackson felt compelled to help, seeing it as a potential safety issue for Garcia. Jackson owns two Meineke stores in Mesa, alongside his mother, LaVon Jackson Maccanico.

Meineke Car Care Center is a corporate partner with United Food Bank, and is a supporter of the organization’s Summer of a Million Meals program. Jackson and his mother have played a big part in supporting United Food Bank, and the organization stepped in to assist with the donation of tires to Garcia.

Garcia’s tearful ‘thank you’ to Meineke for the donation and her gratefulness for being chosen touched Jackson.

“Her being so grateful to have the opportunity to get tires, I think was amazing,” Jackson said. “I think it really kind of hits the nail on the head. We know how important tires are to people. We know how expensive they can be, and we know the struggles that people go through. So again, we just feel blessed to be able to help.”

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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