7 in 10 Americans Prefer Internal Combustion Engines

Jan. 17, 2022

Americans were by far the most apprehensive of EVs, compared to other countries. 

Jan. 14, 2022—Nearly seven in 10 Americans prefer internal combustion engine vehicles over electric vehicles, according to a study by Deloitte Consulting. 

The study found 69 percent of Americans prefer ICEs, the most of any country surveyed. Southeast Asia, China, India, Germany, Japan and the Republic of Korea all preferred EVs at a higher rate. Korea was the furthest from the US, with only 37 percent of people preferring an ICE vehicle. 

The study also found the reasons that Americans would switch to EVs. Lower fuel costs ranked highest on the list with concerns about climate change being second. A better driving experience and less maintenance were ranked third and fourth, respectively.

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NOLN Staff Reporters

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