Are your fast lube managers AOCA Certified Managers? Now’s your chance to ensure your management team is trained to meet the highest level of industry standards. This two day course provides comprehensive training in the following areas:
Manager Responsibilities
Attracting and Retaining Customers & Employees
Implementing Training Programs
Financial Management
Safety & OSHA
Regulatory Compliance
And much more!
The upcoming courses will take place in Irvine, Calif., on August 6-7 and Dallas on September 10-11. Special thanks to our Premier Sponsors Phillips 66 and True Brand, and our Partner Sponsor Federated Insurance.
It will also be an opportunity to meet your new 2019-2020 AOCA Board of Directors:
President: Bill Floyd, Lucas Oil Center
Vice President: Mark Bochnowski, Lube 'n Go, Inc.
Treasurer: Amber Kossak, Solid Start/ True Brand
Secretary: Justin Cialella, Victory Lane Quick Oil Change
Immediate Past President: John Lindsay, Power Lube Express Auto Care
Director: Sue Ackley, Oil Change Plus
Director: Dave Everett, Service Champ
Director: Eric Frankenberger, Oil Changers
Director: David Haney, Oil & Lube Express
Director: Jeff Malicote, Valvoline
Director: Aaron Porter, Pit Stop Oil & Lube
For more information or to register, visit