A new legislative proposal could reduce the number of safety inspections in Missouri and increase risks for customers. At least, that is the concern expressed by technicians at A-1 Custom Car Care in Springfield, Missouri, according to kspr.com.
Bill 451 was passed by the House and is heading to the Senate. It would change the requirement for inspections every other year from vehicles five years and older to vehicles 10 years and older or with more than 150-thousand miles.
"It's all about safety, and I think it can be a weapon," said Jim Michul, a technician at A1 Custom Car Care. "It's just something that you have to be responsible when driving something like this."
"The longer you stretch that period out, the longer you give you components the ability to wear out and damage other components in the car," said manager Ryan Kuse in an interview with kspr.com.
In addition to the vehicles that would be subject to safety inspections, the list of requirements for the inspection may change, as well.
Michul expressed that the concern is not about the money — it's about the safety of the car and the passengers inside.