A shattered door, money strewn across the floor and a surveillance video tell the story of a smash and grab at an oil change shop in Cape Coral, Florida.
After driving past the story early in the morning on February 21, the store’s assistant manager reported the burglary.
The Cape Coral Police Department shared video surveillance of the burglary at the Swift Lube Plus oil change service store, located at 1415 NE Pine Island Road. It occurred around 10:37 p.m. on February 20. Reports say a pipe was used to break the front door of the store.
The surveillance video shows the suspect walk to the cash register, then to the back room before running out the front door, dropping several loose bills in his rush out.
According to nbc-2.com, police identified the suspect as 37-year-old Jacob Alan Lange, who was later arrested without incident and charged with commercial burglary and grand theft.