AIA Launches Program for Service Pros

Jan. 9, 2019

A new program has officially kicked off that is designed to give service professionals access to solutions that are critical to their business. The Automotive Industries Association of Canada’s Automotive Service Associate Program (ASAP) will give access to participants a range of benefit, such as: tailored research at the shop-level, training events geared to management and technical issues facing repair shops, a national shop finder service, financial services for shop customers and technical expertise on vehicle reprogramming.

A new program has officially kicked off that is designed to give service professionals access to solutions that are critical to their business.

The Automotive Industries Association of Canada’s Automotive Service Associate Program (ASAP) will give access to participants a range of benefit, such as: tailored research at the shop-level, training events geared to management and technical issues facing repair shops, a national shop finder service, financial services for shop customers and technical expertise on vehicle reprogramming.

Shops on both the mechanical and collision side can be part of the program.

“We are seeing the arrival of a fundamental change in the vehicle maintenance and repair environment, where electronics, telematics and vehicle data are rapidly forming the heart of the diagnosis process,” says Andrew Shepherd, senior director of industry programs at AIA Canada. “Aftermarket service providers are going to need a connection to new training and new equipment, but more importantly a connection to a community where challenges can be faced and solutions can be developed. ASAP is that community.”

The program’s launch is the latest move from the AIA to include all segments of the aftermarket.

“AIA Canada has a long history of expanding its reach in the automotive aftermarket,” said Jean-François Champagne, AIA Canada’s president. “It is now time to embrace the next logical steps to better engage automotive service providers who are an important stakeholder in the sustainability of the aftermarket.”

This story, by Adam Malik, first appeared on